
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Post 64-whomp whomp

Well folks, I think it's safe to say that my one post a day challenge for a year was an epic fail, but making it two months wasn't half bad. Anyway, we are now well into March and my current internet situation is such that a post a day is nearly impossible. Plus, I realize that my creativity these days comes in spurts concentrated largely around the weekends. I have been writing quite a bit, but getting it all online proves challenging.

Anyway, here are some updates. Last week was the week that refused to go wrong. I had fabulous lessons with students, then there was carnival break, I got a WONDERFUL early birthday present from my mom, the box with my ipad and other sundry items arrived, I was invited for an AWESOME lobster dinner at an AMAZING Sardinian restaurant in Milan, I had incredible quiet times, worship at church was particularly anointed, and opportunities to fellowship with and disciple people are coming up faster than we know what to do with them. In short, God is good. Very good.

Now, it's not as if nothing annoyed me, or as if everything was perfect. But, when you are a positive child of God, you roll with the punches and come out a knock-out winner. I certainly learned areas I need to grow relationally, and now that I have been made aware, I can open myself up to the Holy Spirit that the transformational work in me can be brought to completion.

Anyway, my birthday is in a few days (Thursday!) and I'll turn 24(!). Next year I'm looking forward to my quarter life crisis. This year, well this year is looking to be uneventful. I haven't planned anything and I doubt anyone else has either. I don't even know how many people know my birthday is Thursday. This will be my second birthday celebrated in Europe! Honestly, my day will be spent at work, and then I'll go to blues practice. Then Friday I'll work, have a private lesson, and then maybe go out for a drink. Maybe.

And then Saturday, well que sera sera.

I'm looking forward to the physical evidence of God's promises in my life. This is what I would call a pregnant period. Or perhaps I should call it a birthing period. My time of incubating is over, I feel. Giving birth is painful, but the end result makes it all worth it.

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