
Monday, July 20, 2015

Writing Again


It has been a while since I have graced this blog with my presence. That's quite sad considering this is, in fact, my blog. Somewhere between the transitions, new jobs, traveling, and myriad other things, I fell off of blogging. So now the question is: what direction to take with this blog? I certainly have things to say. Well, I suppose I'll do what I always do. Here's what's going on.

Right now I'm sitting at our (European Faith Missions) missions base in Milan, sweating it out like a champ. It has been averaging 100 degrees for the past two weeks, and it doesn't look like this pattern is going to end anytime soon. I think it's safe to say that water weight gain is a thing of the past. I recommend Milan right now as an excellent place for detoxing, saunas, and the like, all free of charge!

I'm glad I didn't bother bringing any makeup...

Now, I am in Milan on missions work. I took a side trip to Nuremberg Germany, for the Awakening Europe conference, and while here I'm helping different ministries out.

The most frustrating thing about this experience is that during the day I roast and during the night mosquitoes threaten to eat me alive. You know it's bad when you are gratified with everyone around you freaking out on your behalf and either waving their arms frantically about you or reaching for whatever bug spray is in their bag. Milanese mosquitoes really like me.

However, God is most merciful, and when you choose to not let such trivial things as an army of bloodsuckers and potential death by heat stroke stop you, He rewards you with some pretty incredible experiences. In the posts to follow I'll let you know about the incredible experienes I've been having in Nuremberg and Milan, and share with you about my God who is most faithful, most wonderful, and geatly to be praised.

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